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Mô tả Môn học

Mã Môn học: PHI 100
Tên Môn học: Phương Pháp Luận (gồm Nghiên Cứu Khoa Học)
Số ĐVHT: 2 Tín Chỉ
Môn học Tiên quyết: Không có
Môn học Song hành: Không có
Mô tả: 
Success depends on the ability to think critically. Training and practice turn this ability into a powerful skill. This course gives students the opportunity to develop this skill in a classroom environment while stressing its application to daily life. Students learn to solve everyday problems, maintain successful relationships, make career choices, and interpret the messages of advertising in a variety of media. Exercises throughout the course encourage them to practice what they read and to apply it to their own lives.