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Mô tả Môn học

Mã Môn học: CS 211
Tên Môn học: Lập Trình Cơ Sở
Số ĐVHT: 4 Tín Chỉ
Môn học Tiên quyết: Không có
Môn học Song hành: Không có
Mô tả: 
This course equips students with the basic skills and knowledge of computer programming with the C/C++ programming language. Students will first learn about basic data types, storage classes, block structures, data hiding, and data initialization. They will then move on with topics on pointers and storage allocation as well as arrays and dynamic memory allocation. Later in the course, students will learn how to write functions or subroutines with the emphasis on command line arguments, environment variables, recursion, and reentrancy. By the end of the course, students will be introduced to structures and file structures: how to define and declare structures, how to access members, how to pass a structure to a function, etc