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Mô tả Môn học

Mã Môn học: MTH 101
Tên Môn học: Toán Cao Cấp C1
Số ĐVHT: 3 Tín Chỉ
Môn học Tiên quyết: Không có
Môn học Song hành: Không có
Mô tả: 
This course presents the topics of: • One-variable functions (including the definition, formula, properties of some basic functions), methods of constructing mathematical models; the notions of limit, derivative, continuity of a function; properties, rules, and applications of differentiation in some real problems. • Integral of one-variable function (including the definition, properties, methods of calculating the integral) and applications of integration in real problems. • Differential and integral calculus of functions of several variables and applications in real problems.