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Mô tả Môn học

Mã Môn học: MTH 104
Tên Môn học: Toán Cao Cấp A2
Số ĐVHT: 4 Tín Chỉ
Môn học Tiên quyết: MTH 103 
Môn học Song hành: Không có
Mô tả: 
This course presents the topics of Matrix - Determinant - System of linear equations: Matrix and the operations on matrics, determinant, inverse matrix, the rank of a matrix; general system of linear equations, Cramer system, homogeneous linear system. •Vector space: Vector space and vector sub-space; linearly independent system and; linearly dependent system; basis and dimension of vector space, change of basis problem • Series theory: Series of numbers and criteria of convergence; Series of functions and domain of convergence; convergence radius and domain of convergence of power series.